A Review of Challenges in Hydraulic Fracturing Operation


  • Amer S. A. Al Jabri International College of Engineering and Management, Muscat, Oman
  • Girma T. Chala International College of Engineering and Management, Muscat, Oman


Hydraulic Fracturing, Challenges, Proppant, Acid, Treatment Fluid, Formation damage


Hydraulic fracturing is a prominent method of enhancing hydrocarbon production. It has been
implemented from decades to drain the hindered hydrocarbons from the reservoir to the
wellbore efficiently. It was reported that a higher percentage of crude oil could be produced
from treated wells with hydraulic fracturing technique, with production augmentation
sustaining for 40 days in specific well conditions. The two most common types of hydraulic
fracturing extensively used are propped hydraulic fracturing and acid hydraulic fracturing.
Both methods incorporate similar intention of creating better fracturing conductivity inside
reservoir formation for an enhanced well productivity. The treatment fluid contains additives
and materials which could be extracted naturally and should meet the best fluid optimization
to overcome various challenges. The technique is sophisticated and requires high level of
professionalisms and geological awareness to do such successful well production treatment.
This paper is, therefore, aimed at reviewing an expandable view on some of challenges
associated with hydraulic fracturing operation which hampered successful stimulation
operation. It also highlights different techniques that could be used in alleviating the challenges




