The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth in Social Media on Generation Z’ Purchase Intentions: A Review


  • Alex Hou Hong Ng Faculty of Business, Communication and Law, INTI International University, Negeri Sembilan
  • Abdulla Saleem Haroon Faculty of Business, Communication and Law, INTI International University, Negeri Sembilan
  • Lim Kim Yew Faculty of Business, Communication and Law, INTI International University, Negeri Sembilan
  • Wong Chee Hoo Faculty of Business, Communication and Law, INTI International University, Negeri Sembilan


Electronic word of mouth (eWOM), social media, purchase intention, Generation Z


The advances of information technology and the emergence of online social media platforms have
changed the way information is transmitted and have transcended the traditional limitations of
WOM by bringing a new perspective for eWOM. Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) can reach a
multitude of people at the same time and by that fact it shows its greater potential of becoming
viral among a most global and multicultural generation – Z. Generation Z is born in the digital era.
They are technologically native and the way they process information is different from other
generations. Moreover, by 2019 Generation Z will account 31.5 percent of the whole world
population. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the importance of Electronic Word of Mouth in
Social Media on Generation Z' Purchase Intentions for any organization who is willing to succeed
in the long run. This paper presents a preliminary review on the Influence of Electronic Word of
Mouth in Social media on Generation Z purchase intentions. The purpose of this paper is to identify
the research gap in the body of knowledge in context with electronic word of mouth (eWOM)
influence in social media on Generation Z. Followed by developing research questions and
research objectives.



How to Cite

Hong Ng, A. H., Haroon, A. S., Kim Yew, L., & Chee Hoo, W. (2019). The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth in Social Media on Generation Z’ Purchase Intentions: A Review. INTI Journal, 2019. Retrieved from


