The Impact of Altruism Messages in Green Product Advertising on Consumer Attitude: A Survey to Gen Z


  • Tania Adialita
  • Miryam Ariadne Sigarlaki
  • Sarah Febrina Yolanda


Green Marketing, Green Product, Advertising, Altruism Message


Companies in Indonesia have started doing green marketing, creating eco-friendly products, and
exploding advertising in the media which is ecologically sound marketing. However, ads oriented
to moral values (value-oriented) are the least likeable. It has caused consumers to become
confused, doubtful, and apathetic about the integrity of green marketing activities. Therefore,
communicating the advantages of certain brands for the environment and society is very important
in running a good business, mainly if the ad is aimed at generation Z, who adhere to green values
and sustainability, where these values can affect their attitude towards a brand. This study aims to
provide information about the level of altruism in generation Z, along with measuring their
attitudes towards advertisements containing altruistic messages so that companies can design
appropriate communication strategies to persuade more consumers and customers to buy
environmentally friendly products. The method used is the descriptive-associative method. Data
collection techniques will be carried out using a quantitative approach with a survey design and a
qualitative approach with a lab experiment design. The survey was used to identify samples with
altruistic and non-altruistic characteristics. At the same time, this study used the experimental
method to determine the impact of advertising with altruistic and non-altruistic messages on both
groups of respondents. This study's determination of the sample uses a non-probability sampling
totaling 181 Z generation respondents. Advertisements containing altruism messages, especially
those containing environmentally sound messages, can positively impact the attitudes of Z
generation respondents with both moderate altruistic and non-altruistic characteristics. However,
although some of them like the advertising stimulus message in the altruism category, most do not
yet have an interest in buying it.


